Message from the President & CEO

For Customers Livelihood
Along with the region, together with the earth,
we will continue to grow and develop.

代表取締役社長(CEO) 小栗勝男の写真

Since our founding in 1950, we have offered a wide variety of services that have been central to people’s lives and social infrastructure, including LP gas, city gas, internet access, mobile sims, CATV, Aqua (bottled water delivery), construction, facility & equipment installation, real estate, comprehensive renovations, security, insurance, bridal, nursing care, and more.

The backdrop to offering this wide variety of services is our corporate culture to meet our customers’ every need and to do everything we can to increase the joy and satisfaction of our customers. Today, approximately 3.36 million customers use our services nationwide. What drives us as a group is our desire for all our services to be backed by each and every customer and to carefully meet their needs. Continuing to value this mindset, we will stay close to our customers and stakeholders in the community, and endeavor to provide ever more safe, reliable, and improved services.

We aim to improve our corporate value by facilitating the three key strategies of (1) growth of business earning power, (2) strengthening of foundations for sustainable growth, and (3) full energization of human capital and organizations, outlined in our Medium-Term Management Plan 2025 announced in May 2023. While increasing our investment in human capital and getting the maximum energy out of our human resources and organizations, we will contribute to realizing a sustainable society through efforts such as decarbonization and regional revitalization, and also utilize our strengths as a provider of lifestyle and social infrastructure services to expand our revenue base even further.

Furthermore, from fiscal 2024, we have adopted the following corporate message as a guide for what we aim to achieve:“ We face challenges with open minds to bring more smiles to life and joy in society.” We will continue to push forward on a united front to deliver smiles to more people.

Our business endeavors are only possible with the support of our many stakeholders such as our customers, shareholders, investors, and local communities. We will continue to give our absolute all to repay your trust and meet the expectations of you all. We, the TOKAI Group, hereby ask for your continued understanding and support.

Katsuo Oguri
President & CEO
July 2024