Company Information
- Message from the President & CEO
- Message from TOKAI Holdings President & CEO, Katsuo Oguri
- Brand
- Explanation of the TOKAI Group’s corporate logo and slogan
- Corporate Governance
- Information on corporate governance
(Link to Investor Relations)
- Compliance & Risk Management
- Information on compliance and risk management
(Link to Investor Relations)
- Human Capital Management Initiatives
- TOKAI Holdings has developed an action plan based on the Act of Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace
- Company Overview
- Overview of TOKAI Holdings
- Top Management
- TOKAI Holdings’ top management and their career summaries
- Group Companies
- List of TOKAI Group companies
- Group Offices
- List of TOKAI Group offices
- History of The Group
- Overview of the TOKAI Group from its establishment to the present day
- Video Archive
- Television commercials and other video content on the TOKAI Group