Creation of partnerships in developing countries
TOKAI is creating partnerships mainly in Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar and Vietnam and providing the infrastructure for a convenient and comfortable life through more widespread use of LP gas. TOKAI also creates employment by hiring local human resources and is also working to develop human resources with knowledge and experience of the gas business.

Introduction of bulk storage system for disasters in each district council
TOKAI has introduced LP gas bulk storage and supply systems for disasters in cooperation with each district council.
An LP gas bulk storage and supply systems for disasters is a system which consists of LP gas bulk storage, supply facilities (such as gas meters and pressure regulators) and consumption facilities (such as cooking oven, stove, heating equipment, power generator and gas hoses) and which was developed to enable the stable and quick supply of energy from LP gas even when lifelines such as electricity and city gas have been cut off due to a major disaster such as an earthquake or tidal wave.

Shizuoka Song and Food Project
TOKAI Group launched the Shizuoka Song Project in FY2017. It has since conducted activities aimed at bolstering cultural and artistic activities and boosting tourism. In FY2022, it was upgraded to the Shizuoka Song and Food Project, with an additional focus on food. In collaboration with actors in governmental and business sectors, it will boost the publicity of Shizuoka's attractions inside and outside the prefecture.

Project to protect consumers from harm through the installation of Tobilaphone
In an initiative subsidized by local government, the TOKAI Cable Network is contributing to the prevention of bank transfer scams through the installation of the Tobilaphone solution, which protects consumers from harm through landline telephone services.

Comprehensive cooperation agreement for regional revitalization
TOKAI Cable Network has concluded a comprehensive cooperation agreement for regional revitalization with Shizuko City and is collaborating with local government to encourage migration through the production of programs to disseminate information in the Tokyo Metropolitan area and promotion of Shizuoka city and is working to promote regional revitalization as a way of tackling population decline.

Agreement on ICT-based urban planning
TOKAI Cable Network has concluded an agreement with Mishima City to collaborate on initiatives related to ICT-based urban planning, and is contributing to the promotion of the ICT industry through the development of Mishima City's telecommunications infrastructure, IoT pilot projects and support for telecommunications services such as wireless access points.

Broadcasts on government channels
TOKAI Cable Network contributes to the dissemination of regional information through government program broadcasts in collaboration with local government.

Participation in Shizuoka Mirai No Mori Supporter Program
TOKAI Gas is taking part in the Shizuoka Mirai no Mori Campaign run by Shizuoka Prefecture and working with local high school students and residents on initiatives to protect forests.

Provision of bicycle sharing service
TOKAI Cable Network and Shizuoka City concluded the Agreement Concerning a Bicycle Sharing Service in Shizuoka City and a convenient affordable bicycle sharing service was launched in Shizuoka City in June 2020 using city-owned land as bicycle stations, contributing to the realization of "a city where citizens actively choose to ride bicycles, all riding safe with comfort."

Aoi-bune (Aoi boat) project
TOKAI Cable Network is responsible for running the Aoi-bune (Aoi boat) project planned by Shizuoka City as part of efforts to increase the appeal of Sumpu Castle Park. Visitors can take a boat excursion to see the magnificent ruins of Sumpu Castle and imagine the castle town which used to surround it and take in views of modern-day Shizuoka City.

Project to revitalize Sumpu Castle
With the support of Shizuoka City, TOKAI Holdings organizes various events, including running, yoga, SUP and markets, in Sumpu Castle Park, with the aim of utilizing the nature of Sumpu Castle Park, which is a popular city park, to create a community for the people living in Shizuoka and visitors to the city.
The park events give participants a sense of wellbeing through physical activity in open green space and can be enjoyed with family, friends or alone, offering a sustainable lifestyle which keeps both people and the park in good shape.

Support activities for local governments and facilities
TOKAI Group conducts support activities such as donations to local governments and facilities.

Initiatives in collaboration with government for the realization of zero carbon cities
TOKAI Group supports the initiatives of regional local governments and business operators which are working to reduce GHG emissions through the provision of carbon neutral gas and strives to help reduce regional environmental impacts and encourage more widespread use of carbon neutral gas.
TOKAI Gas, operator of the Group's city gas business, concluded a Cooperation Agreement for the Realization of a Zero Carbon City with Fujieda City in August 2021 and began providing the city with carbon neutral gas.

Assistance in reservation of COVID-19 vaccinations
TOKAI Communications provides assistance in reservation for COVID-19 vaccinations at TOKAI Mobile Shops in Shizuoka Prefecture, which deal with LIBMO, SoftBank and Y!mobile mobile communication services. LIBMO is a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) service.

Security cloud operation for information from local governments in Shizuoka Prefecture
TOKAI Communications is building and operating the security cloud for information from local governments in Shizuoka Prefecture. This cloud has been serving the Shizuoka Prefectural Government and municipal governments in the prefecture since FY2017.

Participation in the SDG Media Compact
TOKAI Cable Network and CATV companies take part in the SDG Media Compact. It is an initiative run by the United Nations, targeting news organizations around the world to accelerate efforts to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As locally based broadcasters, they are working for the SDGs through their broadcasting and other services.