What are the SDGs?
The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are global goals for creating a better world by 2030, as defined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in September 2015.
The Agenda is made up of 17 goals and 169 targets, with the pledge to leave no one behind as a central principle.
TOKAI Group's Contribution to the SDGs
Main 2030 Goals
~Innovation Plan 2024 “Design the Future Life” ~
Carbon neutrality
■ Reduce CO2 emissions generated from our operating activities by the equivalent of 70% (compared with FY2020 levels)
■ Reduce household gas CO2 emissions by the equivalent of 50% (compared with FY2020 levels)
Improvement in productivity and operational efficiency through the digital workplace
■ Promote digital transformation (DX)
■ Reduce the attendance rate by 50% and the office floor area by 40%
■ Reduce paper usage by 90% (compared with FY2020 levels)
Active participation of diverse human resources with flexible workstyles
■ Increase the number of female managers to 10% (FY2020: 1%)
■ Reduce the turnover rate of long-term care to 0%
■ Maintain zero serious industrial accidents