Human Capital Management Initiatives

Policy for human capital development

The Group has adopted "an employee who adapts to environmental change, is constantly striving for self-improvement, and is capable of autonomously advancing his or her career in order to achieve personal goals for enjoyment and satisfaction in life" as its vision of the  “Risou no ko” (ideal individual) and believes that employee autonomy is important for realizing this vision. We therefore respect the individuality and diversity of employees and will promote development with emphasis on autonomy including self-career development and support for skills development in response to environmental changes.
By encouraging employees to grow into the “Risou no ko” (ideal individuals) we envisage, we aim to improve the wellbeing of employees.

The Group's Important KPI (by fiscal year) Results Targets
2022 2025 2030
KPIs related to Human Capital Management Policy Particularly important KPI (1)“Strengths indicator”*1 56.5% 65.0% 70.0%
(2)“Self-career indicator”*1 65.2% 70.0% 80.0%

*1 The ratio of positive questionnaire responses is used as an indicator.

Training and systems for realizing vision of “Risou no ko” (ideal individuals)


  • Training map

Click on the image to enlarge.

  • Human capital development training (Position-specific Group human capital development training)

Provision of human skills training communicating the values required according to qualification/position, to encourage self development and increase motivation. Development of skills required for each specific position (young employees. mid-level employees, management positions, etc.)

  • Division-specific skills training

Provision of business-specific and job-specific skills training Provision of training for improving the skills needed in each division (sales division, engineering division, clerical division)

  • New employee training

Training for new employees to master the basic skills they need as working members of society. Steady development of skills through the provision of training according to each stage (pre-induction training, induction training, division-specific specialist technology, etc.)

  • Self-career dock

Provision of a "self-career dock" system aimed at encouraging and supporting employees to autonomously shape their own careers. The self-career dock system is an integrated initiative combining career development consulting and career development training aimed at encouraging and supporting employees to shape their own careers; it provides employees with the opportunity for self-reflection and consideration of work styles and future career development.

  • Coaching training

Skills development training for managers to enable them to use coaching techniques to support individual employees in using their strengths and becoming capable of self-discipline and self-supervision, thus creating a workplace culture where employees can work with greater enthusiasm.

In-house system

  • System for rewarding employees who gain qualifications

Establishment of system for rewarding employees who gain qualifications for the purpose of encouraging employees to actively gain qualifications and seeking to raise the company's skills level and foster employees' self-development.

  • Evaluation system and target management system

Establishment of evaluation system that enables encouragement of personal growth through the implementation of a PDCA management cycle The aim of the system is that with each implementation of the PDCA cycle, which involves setting business-related goals, checking progress and sharing the results, the employee will achieve further personal growth and this will in turn lead to further growth of the company as a whole

Employee welfare support

  • EAP (Employee assistance program)

Provision of programs through which employees look for ways to solve various issues through dialogue and self-assessment Provision of programs such as the following for the development of mechanisms through which employees and their families can easily seek advice
- Career counseling
Program through which employees set goals and consider how to find fulfilment in life
- Sleep program
Individually tailored program for improving sleep quality

  • English conversation learning support

Provision of assistance for TOEIC tests and English conversation lessons to identify and increase employees with business English skills Provision of assistance for language learning content specifically for TOEIC tests and TOEIC preparation and provision of help for quickly improving TOEIC score

Health management efforts

Declaration of TOKAI Group Health Management

We regard the employee's health as an important property for our group and society, so TOKAI group supports the health promotion activity of the employee proactively and through this we achieve our corporate philosophy " To improve the lives of our customers, we will continue to grow and develop together with local communities and the earth".

Katsuo Oguri
President & CEO & CHO(Chief Health Officer)

TOKAI Group Health Management Charter

In order for us to take a leading role in further advancing the Group's health management activities, we have recently established our "TOKAI Group Health Management Charter" which is formed around the three main points of "health promotion", "safety and hygiene", and "Improving Engagement".

  1. We will develop employees who are healthy in mind and body and who can practice the TOKAI-WAY.
  2. In order to plan and carry out the principle of "health management", we will organize individual committees to implement "Group Health Management", "Group Safety and Hygiene", and "Group Improving Engagement".
  3. By actively supporting the promotion of employee health, we will strive to create workplace environments where all employees are in good health and can perform their work with high energy and enthusiasm.
  4. While always being aware of the concept that “Safety and health lay the foundation of management”, we will follow laws, ordinances, and internal standards related to safety and hygiene, and will facilitate the creation of safe, secure, and comfortable workplaces.
  5. We will assist in arranging comfortable work conditions for employees, so that they can achieve a work-life balance allowing the fulfillment of work responsibilities to be in harmony with home and community life.
  6. Our employees will declare their commitment to engaging in healthy activities and take responsibility for managing and maintaining their own health.
  7. We will invest in appropriate management resources and conduct effective improvements on an ongoing basis for the execution of health management.

Health Management Promotion System

We have installed a top manager as chief health officer (CHO) and engage in top-down health management. We have established a Group Health Management Council chaired by the CHO and a Health Improvement Committee at each Group subsidiary in order to familiarize the whole Group with our business management-related targets and measures.

Initiatives for Raising Health Awareness

To make more employees strongly aware of their own health, we continually support health building initiatives and provide health information.

Here we introduce our previously implemented initiatives, their results, and our future plans.

  1. Exercise initiatives
  2. Food initiatives
  3. Sleep initiatives
  4. Stop smoking initiatives
  5. Health classes
  6. Mental healthcare promotion
  7. Cancer support
  8. Others

Results of fiscal 2017 health management initiatives

Creation of an action plan based on the Act of Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace

The TOKAI Group has created an action plan based on the Act of Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace.

The TOKAI Group advocates diversity management and aims to be a company where a variety of people regardless of gender, nationality, age, employment form, etc. can participate.

In particular, to promote participation of women in the workplace, the TOKAI Group is not only developing human resource systems to foster a positive work environment, but also taking initiatives to allow women to demonstrate their abilities in various workplaces.

Through training and seminars targeting female employees and managers on how to further develop skills, and through the ongoing activities of the group-wide “Women’s Advancement Project,” the TOKAI Group intends to promote the newly created action plan and proactively work to bolster participation of women in the workplace.

TOKAI Group action plan based on the Act of Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace [PDF:188KB]

Policy for internal environment development

The Group aims for an "organizational culture with high levels of engagement and team productivity whereby employees regardless of level of seniority cooperate with each other to solve issues through healthy conflict and flexible thinking for the achievement of goals" and believes that the diversity of human capital is important for the realization of this “Risou no soshiki” (ideal organization). We therefore advocate diversity management and by developing environments and designing systems to enable diverse human capital to actively participate and advance their careers regardless of gender, nationality, age or sexual orientation, we aim to increase ease of work and job satisfaction in the workplace.
We also recognize that good health and wellbeing and high energy levels provide the basis for employees' active participation and advancement in the work place. We therefore aim to improve the wellbeing of employees by supporting better health to boost wellbeing and energy levels and improve work performance, implementing safety and health management for peace of mind, safety and comfort in the workplace and promoting a good work-life balance and by being a leader in health and productivity management.

The Group's Important KPI (by fiscal year) Results Targets
2022 2025 2030
KPIs related to Internal Environment Development Policy Particularly important KPI (3)“Psychological safety indicator”*1 62.7% 70.0% 80.0%
(4)“WLB indicator”*1 62.2% 70.0% 80.0%

*1 The ratio of positive questionnaire responses is used as an indicator.

Promoting diversity

Promoting women's empowerment

  • Action plan based on the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace

The TOKAI Group has formulated an action plan based on the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (APWPAW).
The Group advocates diversity management and aspires to be a company where diverse human capital can actively participate and advance their careers regardless of gender, nationality, age, form of employment, and other factors.
Especially in terms of promoting the advancement of women, besides enhancing various personnel systems to develop a more inclusive environment, we are also working to ensure that female employees have the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in a wide variety of workplaces.

Action plan based on the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace [PDF:252KB]

  • Women’s Advancement Project

In FY2021 and FY2022, female employees who put themselves forward or were recommended by their departments conducted monthly meetings to share workplace experiences, discuss any issues within the TOKAI Group and considered the kind of measures which need to be taken to make the company more inclusive. In addition to meeting regularly, these female employees visited each business site and conducted interviews with frontline employees. The Women’s Advancement Project has been running for around a year and will hold a meeting to report the findings of interviews and proposed measures to President at the end of its activities. Some of these measures have actually been implemented, for example, organization of TOKAI Group Family Day (now TOKAI Group WAKU WAKU Kazoku Fureai Day) and addition of the rate of predetermined leave taken as a performance evaluation criteria.
*From FY2022, the project began conducting activities as the Diversity Promotion Project.

  • Career support training for women

The TOKAI Group is developing an organizational culture which reflects the social push for women's advancement, providing training related to encouraging ambition in female employees and supporting their career development.

  • Training for female new-graduate employees

Since 2012, the Group has organized female new graduate employee training as part of efforts to monitor the progress of female new graduate employees. The training consists of two sessions (the first about three months after joining the company and the second at the end of the fiscal year), in which participants review their work and set one-year and three-year career goals, and helps participants develop into human capital actively participating in the TOKAI Group.

  • Training for business support personnel

Since 2013, the TOKAI Group has provided training for its business support personnel. The purpose of the training is to give participants an understanding of the role the company expects of them and to motivate them to contribute to the organization and also to give participants an opportunity to reflect on their own career plans and consider a long-term career development plan.

  • Education program to promote women's career advancement

Since 2012, TOKAI Group has been offering a six-month training program to a number of women selected each year aimed at developing tomorrow's female managers to lead the company into the next generation. The program fosters a mindset in women to aim at a managerial position and improves their management skills. The managers of female employees participating in program also take part to learn how to nurture female employees and allow them to demonstrate their individuality. Female employees and their managers share any issues to help the women advance in their careers.

Education program to promote women's career advancement

Support for the active participation of human capital

Support for the active participation of diverse human capital

  • Diversity Promotion Project

The Women’s Advancement Project, which had been running every year since 2012, has evolved and was relaunched as the Diversity Promotion Project from FY2022. Through regular monthly meetings, the project discusses current issues and solutions and makes recommendations for promoting diversity within the TOKAI Group. In addition to the project monthly meetings, we also hold networking events with other companies to increase understanding about D&I and identify any internal issues. The project will actively conduct activities aiming to ensure that all employees of TOKAI Group can work with vigor and enthusiasm and advance their careers.

  • Psychological safety training

We provide psychological safety training to managers to ensure that they understand what is meant by psychological safety and can encourage dialogue within their organization, thus increasing job satisfaction and ease of work and enabling everyone to play an active part.
We provide coaching training to managers to make them aware of those they manage and to give managers the communication skills to encourage self discipline and self supervision in those they manage, with the aim of developing employees who can autonomously consider their own career paths and realizing highly productive organizations.

  • DE&I Training

Since FY2023, we have provided training to increase understanding of the importance of DE&I, in order to become a sustainable organization in which diverse human capital can utilize their individuality and strengths and play an active part.

  • LGBTQ+ Training

Since FY2023, we have provided training to make participants better informed about LGBTQ+ and increase their LGBTQ+ cultural competence to ensure that all members of the TOKAI Group can be their authentic selves at work without fear of discrimination or prejudice.

  • Employment of persons with disabilities

We are expanding the work opportunities open to persons with disabilities and hiring more persons with disabilities.
We aim to create new value by developing an environment in which all individuals, regardless of disability, can actively participate in work that matches their interests and skills.

  • Advancement of global human resources

As of April 2023, the TOKAI Group employs 20 foreign nationals in Japan.
Alongside its business expansion, the Group has also established numerous business sites overseas and has employees working all over the world. Going forward, we will continue considering measures to support the advancement of diverse human capital, which will contribute to the development of our corporate culture.

Ease of work

  • Childcare leave system

The TOKAI Group encourages its employees to take childcare leave as part of measures for a better work-life balance. Under the childcare leave system, both female and male employees can take leave until the child in their care turns 1.
This period may be extended for up to 1 year subject to certain conditions.
Childcare leave is taken by 100% of eligible female employees and we also encourage male employees to take childcare leave.

  • Nursing care leave system

Under this system, employees with family members who need nursing care are able to take nursing care leave of up to 93 days to enable them to balance their work and nursing care responsibilities.

  • Staggered hours of work

Employees are allowed to change their work start time to balance their childcare or nursing care responsibilities and their responsibilities at work. For childcare, the system is available until the child finishes the third grade of elementary school, and the start time can be set in increments of 15 minutes between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.

  • Reduced working hours

Employees who are juggling work with childcare or medical treatment can word reduced hours to better balance the two. They can select a finish time from multiple options. For childcare, the system is available until the child finishes the third grade of elementary school, exceeding statutory requirements.

  • System of support for balancing work and medical treatment

Employees who are juggling work with medical treatment may change their work finish time or reduce their working hours to help them better balance the two.

  • Teleworking system

Aimed at helping employees balance childcare and nursing care responsibilities with work responsibilities, reducing commuting stress, and realizing more flexible work styles, this system allows employees to work from home, a satellite office or another location. Employees who work from home are paid a work-from-home allowance.

  • Flextime system

We introduced a flextime system that allows employees more freedom in determining their working hours. The system helps improve work-life balance and increases work efficiency.

  • Leave system

The Group seeks to improve employees' welfare and work-life balance through the establishment of predetermined leave (employees can apply in advance to take 7 days of paid leave a year) and the vacation rollover system (employees can roll over up to 50 days of missed vacation, which otherwise become invalid, (100 days in the case of nursing care), rolling over a maximum of 5 days a year).

  • Refreshment leave

We grant special leave and travel coupons to long-serving employees for the purpose of giving them a break mentally and physically, reenergizing them and encouraging creativity.

  • TOKAI Group WakuWaku Kazoku Fureai Day

This is an event open to employees and their families. The event gives the families of TOKAI Group employees the opportunity to have an interest in the Group's companies and its work, helps strengthen the bond between employees and their family members, and is a chance for individual reflection on the work-life balance.

External recognition

  • Obtaining the Platinum Kurumin mark
  • TOKAI Group (5 companies: TOKAI Holdings Corporation, TOKAI Corporation, TOKAI Communications Corporation, TOKAI Gas Corporation, TOKAI Cable Network Corporation and TOKAI Management Service Corporation ) was awarded Platinum Kurumin certification in May 2019 by the Shizuoka Labor Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. The TOKAI Group is implementing work style reforms to realize a work life balance, including supporting employees in balancing childcare, long-term nursing care and work and encouraging employees to take paid leave.

  • Eruboshi (Third Stage) certification
  • TOKAI Holdings Corporation and TOKAI Management Service Corporation received the certification of Eruboshi (Level 3) from the Shizuoka Labor Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in December 2020 and October 2021 respectively.
    TOKAI Group supports the activities of women and other diverse human resources and is improving the workplace environment so that everyone can play an active part.

    *Eruboshi is a system based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace which certifies companies that meet certain standards and have excellent implementation status of initiatives related to promoting the active participation of women.

    プレスリリース [PDF:97KB]